The Big Tree (in Akim Oda)
Kids and adults alike love to use the word big to express something that is not the usual size. Well The Big Tree is no exception, this tree names The Big Tree is located in Akim Oda and is must-see to believe just looking at pictures or even videos only gives you the view from behind a lens.
How old is The Big Tree in Akim Oda?
The tree is said to be about 400 to 500 years old, although stories from the elders state it dates back longer. Growing in the forests of Akim Oda in Ghana?s Eastern region, the tree is known locally as The Big Tree.
How tall is the The Big Tree in Akim Oda?
Currently the tree measures about about 70 meters high and is of the Bako species. Its botanical name is Tieghemella heckelii
Where is The Big Tree located in Ghana?
The Big Tree is located at Aprokum aboutase 18km from Oda, it is said to be the largest tree in West Africa and comes with the usual myths of healing the sick and helping infertile women to conceive, and delivering prosperity. So its worth a visit. It is located the Esen Apam Forest Reserves, about 22 kilometers from Akim Oda on the Oda-Agona Swedru trunk road.