Spa 216 (Dzorwulu branch)
Where is Spa 216 Dzorwulu located in Accra
Spa 216 conveniently and centrally located in Dzorwulu and Kokokomlemle in Accra. Both location offer an oasis of love, grace, healing, restoration, and wellbeing.
About Spa 216
Spa 216 was born out of love, understanding and a passion for wellness. The Spa is committed to delivering all aspects of wellness and beauty services with grace, love and honesty, providing an inspiration for a lifestyle change. In an atmosphere that delights all the senses, one is transported to a different place in time. The objective here is for our guests to be still and reconnect with their inner being. Spa 216 is a haven for contemplation and discovery. Our therapies are guided by our rich African heritage but influenced by contemporary cultural diversity.