Wow! We looked at the script and checked out the website which read. “Buka as it is popularly referred to, was set up to cater especially for the middle-income business community and the discerning international traveller”

Oh my, this place sounds like it must be good. It clearly wants to exclude any locals or only wants to attract people who will not chuckle at the price of rice. We thought we would give it a go hopes already high from the fancy looking photos on the web site and the strong intro as to what Buka was and was not.
Well Buka restaurant is in a very decent location “tick” off Oxford road in Osu another tick.. They are doing well so far. Central location. The ambiance is a delight – tasteful design that welcomes you and makes you want to go back… yes I know you are reading this waiting for the but.. We would have rated Buka higher if we didn’t have to wait for some of our food for so long.
But this we put down to the time we went early evening when it was pretty busy. The staff were friendly and at times looked strained trying to keep up with the demand. On the time we visited some dishes were not on the menu clearly popularity and someone in the kitchen under estimating demand was not fully prepared. This notwithstanding, the food was really nice.
Our verdict Ever-popular Buka serves some of the best West African food in Accra, in stylish surroundings The portions are large so be prepared hence why the kitchen can run out of options sometimes. When you order be prepared so we recommend you come with an empty belly and some patience