Vanessa Kanbi is Scottish/Ghanaian married mum of two. Who has been running her YouTube Channel for a while.Vanessa can be considered as one of the early Ghana Youtubers. After pursuing a modelling career for over ten years in London and Edinburgh she shifted her focus to become a videographer and podcaster and spent time presenting podcast and videos for the BBC. Vanessa at times seems like she is on a one woman mission to document as much about Ghana as possible. She recently moved back to Ghana (April 2021) to spend a year adjusting and seeing how living in Ghana on a regular basis stacks up against just continuously travelling in in vlogging. Her channel now focuses more on properties and real estate in Ghana but there are still some nice interesting video in the mix.
What we like about Vanessa Kanbi
She is always very positive and really uses her media skills of interviewing to get the best out of her interviewees. As she has become more established her channel has become more of a sit down and watch with more focus on finding out about people and interesting things that go on with people in Ghana from the Ghana real estate market to interviewing other Ghana YouTubers.
Vanessa has her own YouTube channel and podcast ‘Magnificent Mothers’ where she regularly posts, alongside creating videos.
About her channel
Vanessa Kanbi says about her channel that its about her exploration of Ghana, interviewing inspirational people, checking out the best places to visit & finding out what people’s experiences are living in Ghana. Check out her channel >>
Some of Vanessa's YouTube videos
Vanessa Kanbi spent Christmas in Ghana 2017 / 2018. She travelled to Accra with her sister for one week and had an amazing time! After some drama she stayed in a one bed apartment in La Villa Boutique. (Very Boujee) She then attended her cousins Traditional Wedding which was incredible and then went to Afrochella on Bojo beach, shopped at Accra Mall plus many more.
What $45,000 dollars gets you in Ghana and how affordable houses are being built in Ghana
Living in Ghana – following Vanessa’s move to Ghana from April 2021 this video follows her second week. So after 14 days feeling like a vacation its down to reality, learning to move with the Ghana pace of life.
1 Comment
Vanessa has changed a lot since this wedding video was done Youtube has really worked for her