Building Resilience Through Networking & collaboration.

Building Resilience Through Networking & collaboration.

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Andex Logistics limited, in-collaboration with District Assembly, MMDA, corporate organisation presents 2 day Youth Empowerment Program dubbed “Building resilience through network and Diaspora Affair.”Integrating Indigenous grass-root community to Diaspora Community Ghana, to support and building resilience through Network, Integration and collaborative discussion in Ghana and Africa.THEME “BUILDING RESILIENCE THROUGH NETWORK, INTEGRATION & COLLABORATION 2025”DATE 28TH , 29TH MARCH, 2025VENUE  SUHUM COMMUNITY CENTRE, EASTERN REGION Ghana.TIME 9AM TO 5PMMODERATOR/ FOUNDERMR. ODAME ANDERSON, CEO ANDEX LOGISTICS LIMITED.SPEAKERSCHIEF TREVOR BECKFORD, NAANA GIZ GHANA, DCE SUHUM, AMB. JOHNSON L.,DR. NAOMI WUDASI,PRESIDENT MMGF  GHANA,HM NANA KOFI BOADU GYASE HENE APEREDE AKWAPIM ETCDear Sir,Invitation Letter to Participate, Speak and share ideas – Together we stand.We are delighted to invite your good self presence to our two 2 day intensive workshop and youth Engagement Discussions at the Suhum Community Centre Eastern Region of Ghana.Having known your resilience in advocating for change and  empowering SMes across the country and Africa at large, we would be extremely delighted to host as our special guess.Please find attach the object of Event, opportunities it would drive for people particularly the youth/ SMes in Suhum, Eastern Region of Ghana.Once again thank you and would look forward to your response and extremely delighted to see you at this Event.God bless youMr. Odame AndersonKind Attn:TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNAndex Logistics Limited is a legally registered firm, providing Drywall System Installations using Gypsum Plasterboard for Interior design at homes /offices and business consulting services.THE NICHE, WHEREIN WE SHINE!Having worked, listen and assisted  some of our Diasporan community in Ghana- who having come home to settled and make Ghana their dwelling, I realise most are unable to integrate well at community level engagement, to harness this great opportunity. For this reason we are providing this strong Non-Partisan platform group determine to bridge poverty Gap among women and youth in the rural areas and regions by periodically organising events to engage stakeholders  particularly the youth, the vision is to help SMes connect with potential Investors, network to share ideas.“We are Non partisan group of person determine to bridge poverty Gap among the youth in rural areas  and regions through workshop, training, seminar etc.”The event is design to discuss pragmatic solutions aim to  impact  knowledge and skills in partnership with GIZ Ghana, Office of the President Diaspora unit, MMDA, Local Government Authority, etc.We delighted to host above persons and institutions and would be extremely glad to partner with your Institution as well by sponsorship or partnership to make this Event successful.Key Activities Includes,Panel Discussion with key stakeholders on SWOT SMes, Entrepreneurship, funding etcDiasporan community Engagement with leaders of community, Traditional rulers  and youth.Sight seeing experience, Tourism, touring the Palace of HRM Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin and other cultural site.Workshop on Entrepreneurship& TVET etcExhibitions.In conclusion, I must mention it shall be impactful, insightful and practical.Thank you and hope to see you there, we  appreciate your support in helping transform our communities at grassroot landscape.Thanks you!Mr. Odame Anderson, Founder & Advocate CC: Office of the President, Diaspora Unit       Ministry of Local Government       Institute of Local Government in Accra       DCE, Suhum Municipal AuthorityPROGRAMME OUT-LINECONTENTIntroductionWelcome AddressAppreciationProgramme line-up  Day 1Day 2Speakers Profile- Panel DiscussionExhibitors listDAY 1- 28TH MAR, 2025Programme line-up8:00am- 9:00am  Arrival & Registration9:00am- 10:00am  Opening Ceremony10:00am -10:30am  Tour of Event Ground10:30am- 11-30am Opening Panel Discussion Time with government DCE, Local government Agencies, MMDA discussing Opportunities Available for youth within the communities, jobs and funding support11:30am -12:30pm Panel Discussion -dual skills with TVET & GIZ Ghana & IT technology space.12:30pm – 2:00pm  Lunch Time22:00pm -4:00pm     workshop Entrepreneurship empowering SMes, women and Youth AgricBiz value chain.DAY 2- 29TH MAR, 2025Programme line-up8:00am- 9:00am      Arrival & Registration ( visit to HRM Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panins Palace)9:00am- 10:00am    Presentation and Panel discussion SWOT Analysis for SMes, Business Plan, Entrepreneurship workshop10:00am -12:30pm  Panel Discussion Connecting with Diaspora Community in Ghana, MMG Foundation12:30pm – 2:00pm    Lunch Time2:00pm -4:00pm        Green skill training, SWOT, Panel discussion Business funding GIZ Ghana – Rural Banks Engagement5:00pm -5:30pm        Closing remarks, Appreciation, Pictures etcThank you 🫶🫶🥰.


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